What to Eat for Breakfast
Frank Overton
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup white rice
- red & green onions
- 1/2 avocado
- stalk of steamed broccoli
- 1 cup spinach or kale
- 1 cup fruit
- 3 glasses of water
- copious amount of coffee :)
These core ingredients can be prepared a number of ways: you can prepare the eggs scrambled, over easy, or poached - however you like them. Similarly, you can prepare over a bed of rice or mashed up all together. I scramble my eggs by adding a tablespoon of olive oil to a skillet on medium with a dash of chopped garlic. After one minute, I add the rice (pre-cooked) and use a spatula to mix and heat the rice. After a few minutes, in goes the kale and broccoli. I scrambled the eggs straight in the skillet and mix the egg/kale/broccoli/rice mix into a mash. You can also do the eggs over easy if you are adding to a bed of rice. Either way I add half of an avocado to it all and eat 1 cup of fruit like the blueberries and raspberries pictured here. A banana, strawberries, blackberries, oranges and just about anything out of the fruit category goes well here.
This eggs 'n rice recipe is gluten and dairy free and does not contain any added sugar.
You may also substitute 1 cup of oatmeal or 1 cup of sweet potatoes for the 1 cup of rice described above.
Naturally, like all good cyclists, I'm drinking coffee but don't forget the water. You should have 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight every day if you're trying to get skinny by this spring.
Since the universal winter Saturday group ride time is 10AM I am cooking this by 7:45AM and consuming by 8AM. This gives me 2 hours to digest and fuels me for an additional hour into the ride (about 11AM). Starting at 10:45 - 11am during my group ride I start my 'during' long ride fueling which is the next training tip - "What to Eat During a Long Ride". Subscribe to our email newsletter and follow us on Facebook for that tip in the next week or two.
Weight Loss and Commitment:
Weight loss is 80% in the kitchen and 20% on the bike. To lose weight you must "Win in the Kitchen". And to win in the kitchen you need recipes like this. Read and listen to our Winning in the Kitchen training tip and podcast, just like this one above.
Winning in the Kitchen Pro Tip:
Do you own grocery shopping. Pre-cook your rice the day before. Get a good set of tupperware. Buy copious amounts of vegetables and greens like spinach, kale, arugula, broccoli and avocado. Plan ahead and once you've food prepped this Go Fast recipe takes less than 10 minutes to prepare.
How to Peak for Cyclocross Nationals
#secrettraining Cyclocross Tips for October (& Early November)

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals

Phil Gaimon's FONDO
- Complete similar workouts to what Phil does to prepare for all his KOM's
- Sweet Spot training, threshold intervals, and some anaerobic work

Phil Gaimon's Strava PR Plan
- Perfect Plan for Those with Less Training Time, starts at 15 minutes per day
- VO2's, 1 minuters, Tabatas, threshold, suprathreshold, and even Sweet Spot

Road Race In-Season
- Weekend racing and group rides with weekday training and recovery
- anaerobic efforts like criss cross, Over/Unders Sweet Spot, Threshold

Road Racing Intervals
- Increase your functional and race-specific power output
- Includes Sweet Spot, VO2, Anaerobic, Threshold