How to Plan Your Races For 2019
Frank Overton
On this week's podcast, we sit down to discuss how to plan your races for 2019. We break down all the races we are thinking about into A, B & C races and talk about what factors to consider when planning out your whole season. Coach Frank and Jackson walk you thru their choices for races like the Belgian Waffle Ride, Dirty Kanza, the Crusher in the Tushar and Rebecca's Private Idaho.
What races are you planning for next year? Let us know in the comments, we'd love to hear what your goals are.
We also just want to extend a huge thank you to all of our listeners. It's been a really fun project to create this show and help you get faster, and we've been blown away by the support and engagement!
Finally: who's in for a Gravel Training Camp next June [2019] in Boulder, CO? Let us know and we'll see about putting on together. Follow us on social media:
Facebook: Instagram: @fascatfh Twitter: @FasCat and YouTube:
Intro music: David Cutter Music //
Copyright © 2019 FasCat Coaching - all rights reserved.
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