Coaching Salaries
Frank Overton
Coaching Career Path & Tiers
1. Independent Contractor, part-time
Ideal for Professional Athlete or new Coach who want to get their foot in the door for a future career in Coaching. Coaching Education + 1x1 Mentoring from FasCat Senior Associate Coach
Progression A: 60% coaching fees for 2-12 athletes
Progression B: $2500/month for 13 - 25 athletes, offer of salaried employment after 25
Receive Coaching Education + 1x1 Mentoring from FasCat Senior Associate Coach
2. Entry Level, $37,500 - 49,000 salary annually, full time
Ideal for a Coach that has some athletes and experience but wants to learn from more experienced Coaching colleagues and make coaching their career in a well established company.
Requirements: 15 - 30 athletes
- 2 years of full time coaching experience
- 8 hours per day, 40 hours/week
- Training Tip Content
- One 30 minute Customer Service Shift per Day Required (5x’s per week)
Receive Coaching Education + 1x1 Mentoring from FasCat Senior Associate Coach
3. Associate Level - $50,000 - $60,000 annually
Ideal for a Coach that has had some success, wants more and is willing to put in the work
Requirements: 31 - 45 athletes
- 2 - 3 years of full time coaching experience
- 8 hour per day, 40 hours per week but maybe more to grow
- Training Tip Content
- One 30 minute Customer Service Shift per Day Required (5x’s per week)
4. Senior Associate Level, $60,000 - $80,000 annually
Ideal for a broad spectrum of Professional Career Coaches, including those who have a large social following and can attract athletes from community, social and/or youTube. For the Coach that can get results for Elites and Amateurs at a high coaching level
- 3-6 years of coaching experience, minimum 8 hour per day but likely more required, 40 hours per week but more as needed
- 8 hours per day, 40 hours/week but maybe more to grow
- Training Tip Content
- Mentorship
5. Mentor Level, $80,000 - 100,000 annually
For the growing, motivated Professional Career Coach that is putting in the work and getting results. For the Coach that can get results for Elites and Amateurs at a high coaching level.
- 6+ years of coaching experience
- 8-10 hours per day, 50+ hour per week
- Training Tip Content
- Management / Mentorship of Coaches
The mentor level tier also has a teaching track for the coach that wants to teach coaches.
6. Director Level $100,000 - $125,000For the Professional Career Coach that gets results: competitively and professionally. Elite and Amateur Level Coach at a high coaching level
- 8-10+ years of coaching experience
- 8-10 hours per day, 50+ hour per week
- Management Experience Required and a MUST
- Responsible for Business Goals and KPI’s
Continuing on from Director position, less and less coaching and more management of the coaching business and coordinating business & coaching goals.
Coach's Buyer Guide Highlight - Gu Nutrition
Inside Coach Isaiah's Mind: Takeaways from USAC Level 1 Coaches Education

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals